So here's some good news: I've been approved and contracted to edit
Henry V for an actual full-on peer-reviewed Shakespeare edition. Who the hell am I to undertake such a task? You may well ask, but somehow (probably with no little amount of dodgy back channel pleading on the part of my colleagues and friends ) I've gotten a proposal for an edition accepted by an editorial board. Said approval was not without my share of snarky comments and jabs at the thinness of my critical underpinnings (ooo, matron!), but at any rate, I've got a project to look forward to after the completion of the monograph. Wahoo.
What this means, of course, is that I have to produce an edition worthy of a decent Shakespeare series, which is a bit terrifying, but overall it contributes to my growing sense that maybe I'm an actual professional academic after all. I'm writing a book, I've got grad students to guide, mold, and usher about at SAA--does that make them my own advisor's grandstudents or something?--anyway, I'm suddenly feeling like somebody on occasion.
As my increasingly smelly and urgently pee-filled dog keeps reminding me, I have other duties to attend to. More later.