Thursday, April 14, 2011

And here we go again

The dog's food bowl almost made M puke today. A few days ago she was lamenting her backne and her breast sensitivity. Recently she asked me to bring her an orange and a pickle. She is become, in other words, a hilarious caricature of someone about six weeks pregnant. So I gently suggested that she take a pregnancy test, even though she very recently had both a negative blood test and a period. You know, to be sure. So she got a positive result on the pee stick, of course, and we went for a run to ignore it, then she got another positive result on another pee stick.

Last time, this made my knees go wobbly and prevented me from thinking straight. This time, I just said, "Huh. Looks like you're pregnant." I think the difference has something to do with the last positive pee stick being followed by M almost dying nine days later, but maybe it's also an indication that my attitude toward fatherhood has changed for the mundane. We'll find out soon whether it's another ectopic pregnancy and then maybe I'll start getting scared or excited again.

In other news, I had a great conference last week. I chaired a seminar attended by both my PhD advisor and my current PhD student, which was quite touching. I found out my tenure is approved, finally. And I've been awarded a distinguished professorship that, among other things, will make having a bairn easier to do.

In the negative column, though, the current round of my state's barbarism -- unwilling to tax corporations, perfectly happy to destroy the state infrastructure -- means that my university may be cutting French, Philosophy, Theater, and Dance. Soon we'll have to start calling it a "university" instead of a university.

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