I know that you're all sick of reading things like this, but:
The only thing giving me hope for the past four years, the only thing keeping me from putting out my eyes and throwing myself off a cliff was the knowledge that last time they stole the election. That this monstrosity was not really elected at all.
Last time we knew nothing about Bush (unless we listened to Texans, but who listens to Texans?). We thought he was a "compassionate conservative." He promised to be responsible with money, to steward our natural resources, to enact moderate, bipartisan policies and a humble foreign policy. We're stupid of course; we're Americans. But given what he promised to be, you could see him fooling a fair number of intelligent people.
But now we've had four years of this environment-raping, poor-people-hating, retard-executing, empire-building, reality-challenged, war-profiteering, lying, thieving, megalomaniac ass wart. And it looks as though more than half of us are willing to shout "Yippee! More of the same! Roll me up to that pile of dung and hand me a spoon, baby!"
So what I'm asking of my friends lucky enough to live abroad is: Send the bombs now. Please, for the good of the planet, exterminate us. We are too stupid and evil a nation to live, and our continued existence threatens all of you in the "reality-based community." Sanction us, starve us out, attack us, maybe send in pudding cups on parachutes as a humanitarian effort. But whatever you do, do it quickly. We, as a nation, must be destroyed.